
House Dance

Rabah Mahfoufi is one of the most appreciated house dancers and teachers in Europe. When the house dance scene in France was still forming, Rabah already danced in New York and there, he became the successful teacher he is today. He is requested worldwide as member of juries and teacher and performs in countries like Russia, Italy, Finland, Japan and England.

Rabah was part of the world’s biggest street dance meet-up, JUSTE DEBOUT, from the beginning, first as a successful dancer, twice as finalist and later even as part of the jury on the worldwide tour. In 1998, he founded the Y-Kanii Company, later the project Collectif O’Trip House.

Rabah’s dance style is characterized by a clear structure and a very sophisticated technique, allowing him to seemingly float above the dance floor and make everything look very easy.

Energy and passion dominate his movements when teaching; he makes use of the different house dance styles and combines them, taking up the story of house music and house dance. He encourages his participants to dance in freestyle, in order to feel the limits of dancing and to overcome them within the improvisation.

Language: English