Danilo Cardoso
Danilo Cardoso was born in Rio de Janeiro and has worked with the Xstyle Dance Company and Lumini Cia de Danca in Brazil. In 2012, he started his studies for Bachelor of Dance at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen. He works as a dancer and instructor for the Gunter Hampel Music and Dance Improvisation Company and Tchekpo Dance Company, and also as a choreographer at his own dance company Samadhyana, as well as an artistic director of the Cultural Association Muxima in Oeiras, Portugal.
In his workshop “Contemporary Partnering/Floorwork”, which he developed with his partner Chin-Mei Huang, he teaches an elementary understanding of the physical forces that are at work when dancing. The participants will learn to consciously perceive the effects of frictional, gravitational and pulling forces brought together. The aim is to implement a basic understanding of Floorwork and to give the students the opportunity to test it out on their own body.
Language: German