Célia Amade

Contact Improvisation
United Kingdom/France

Célia Amade, born in Nice (France), studied dance at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique et Danse, Lyon. Among other jobs, she danced at IT DANSA in Barcelona, directed by Catherine Allard. At the Nederlands Dans Theater, Célia Amande she encountered famous choreographers including Gustavo Ramirez, Jiri Kylian, Tony Fabre, William Forsythe, Ohad Naharin or Ivan Perez.  At the time, she also coordinated and produced a choreographic project called “Switch” for the dancers of the company, a creative platform where they could experience and become conscious of themselves using professional tools. In her workshop, she wants to allow the participants to perceive their individual natural movements and to extend their range. She regards dance as a process in which she can discover her fascination for movement, arts, the world and humans with all their complexity, and to be able to work with it.

“In my workshop, we explore the connection between spirit and body in order to exploit, during my guided improvisation, the participants’ full potential in a continuous flow of movements. I will instruct the participants so that they can enter a personal and authentic path of movement with an inherent freedom that they may share with others in contact improvisations.”

Language: English