Andreas Lauck
Born in Völkling, Andreas Lauck graduated from the renowned Rotterdamer Tanzakademie and now works as a dancer and dance educator all over Europe. He has worked together with many internationally known choreographers such as Ramon Oller, Rui Horta, Ismael Ivo, and Roberto Galvan. His most recent choreography was developed in collaboration with Laura Villa from Barcelona, stage dancer and assistant to the Spanish choreographer Anna Sanchez, in whose company he performs as a guest.
In the last few years, he has choreographed the successful Jazz and Modern Dance formations of the TSC Blau-Gold Saarlouis, including the seven-time German Champions “autres choses”, which qualified for the World Championships in 2009 in Canada in the category Jazz. Andreas Lauck is the director of his own dance school “Tanz S.A.L” in Saarlouis.
Andreas Lauck was at the Tanzfestival Bielefeld from 2007-2011.