La Verita Dance Company

Behind the body

With this piece la Verita started a minimalist movement research, exploring the limits of what a single body can possibly say. Inspired by the current methods in contemporary dance, and the lack of pure movement, Behind the body questions if there is a dance language that we can still speak with.

What is the meaning of a piece and where you can find it? It could be something that the choreographer wants to express , or something that the audience feels at a personal level. Music is a weapon that the performer can use in order to create emotions and situations. Is movement strong enough for the performer to create atmosphere without the sound support?

Following really basic forms of choreography guided from the book of Doris Humphrey 'The Art of Making Dances,' la Verita worked only with movement, space and levels, giving the possibilities to the body to express itself alone. During the perfomance the audience has the chance to interact with the performers and take the role of the choreographer. The piece gives a sense of responsibility to the spectators not only as observers but as participators in real time as well. Everything is meaningful or meaningless, this is something that we play with and we are wondering if there is a point that dance comes up to cover that gap without adding anything else. How many possibilities of different senses and images can exist , if you keep the same movement but change only the light atmospheres.

Behind the body, behind the meaning , behind all the rest, what really gives the real substance? Can a dancer only be a dancer ?

Konzept, Choreographie, Tanz

Alex Kyriakoulis, Natasa Frantzi


Karina Ruby


ca. 35 min


Cie. Ferenc Fehér

Tao Te

Kampfkunst und Street-Dance treffen in den Tanzstücken des Ungarn Ferenc Fehér zusammen. In einer Minute sind die Tänzer in aggressivem Kampf verwickelt, in der nächsten bewegen sie sich nahtlos zusammen wie eine industrielle Maschine. Das Duo untersucht in einer komplexen Choreografie Vorstellungen von Kampf, Konkurrenz, Freiheit und Einschränkung.

Konzept, Choreographie, Tanz

Ferenc Fehér, Ákos Dózsa


Ferenc Fehér

Ton- und Lichtdesign

Dávid Kovácsovics


Judit Simon


ca. 40 min





Karten bestellen

TOR 6 Theaterhaus

Hermann-Kleinewächter-Straße 4
33602 Bielefeld


in der Wissenswerkstadt

Tel.: (0521) 55 774 777